Never Ending Press

World Press Photo
Portraits, second prize stories

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
“Look them in the eye and one senses what they have seen.”

International Herald Tribune
“This is our collective history.”

De Volkskrant
“Every tiny stain, hair, wrinkle and irregularity can be seen, but it’s mainly the eyes that stay with you.”

“The confrontation is unforgiving. The collection of portraits evokes the sensation of being cast into a room full of people we have inadvertently met in the dark and now someone has thrown on the lights.”

H.J.A. Hofland
Introduction from the book The Never-Ending War
“Memory takes possession of the face, the eyes focus for no more than a few seconds on in nity and an inaudible voice says: this is what it was like. Look at Martin Roemers’ photographs: for here are the faces of veterans listening to the voice of their memory.”

“Old soldiers never die, they just fade away’. Roemers’ book makes this process graphically clear.”